Should I Wear an Ankle Brace All Day?

Should I wear an ankle brace all day? If you’ve just sprained your ankle, you could be asking this very question.

As a standard rehabilitative tool, ankle braces can significantly impact your foot health and comfort for a couple of weeks.

Let’s explore the different types of ankle braces and the best times to wear them to help your ankle heal properly.

What Are Ankle Braces?

Ankle braces are supportive tools that assist with ankle injuries and prevent them. They can be used in several instances, from physiotherapy to adding exercise support.

Interestingly, there are also various types of ankle braces you can wear. Some are designed as sleeves that can be rolled over your foot and cover your ankles.

Others have a more structured design similar to a cast you put on and take off using Velcro strips.

Depending on the severity of your injury or your daily activity level, your doctor may recommend a brace over a wheelchair or crutches.

Scientifically, ankle braces help provide external support when performing movements.

They also help protect your tendons, ligaments, and muscles during the healing process by bearing most of the weight needed to move comfortably.

Most braces can be worn with shoes, making them an easy alternative for treating ailments.

What Are the Types of Ankle Braces?

Let’s go over the different ankle braces you can wear for activities and injuries.

Lightweight to Mild Ankle Brace

A lightweight or mild ankle brace will typically be thinner in design and may be able to be slipped on and off as needed.

They are often recommended to patients with a mild strain or first-degree sprain.

You may also wear it as a preventative, adding more stability to prevent the likelihood of an ankle injury.

Moderate and Medium Support Ankle Brace

At this tier, these ankle braces are best for second-degree sprains. Also, they are often worn by more active people, such as those in professional sports.

A moderate or medium support brace protects your ankle from sharp movements, such as lateral or side-to-side steps.

Like lightweight and mild ankle braces, this elevated level of protection is excellent as a preventative.

You can easily wear them on hikes, wear them to work, and complete daily tasks without discomfort.

Maximum Support Ankle Brace

The most supportive type of ankle brace you’ll find are those that offer maximum support. They are best suited for more severe injuries, such as a third-degree ankle sprain.

If you’re someone dealing with severe instability in your ankles, this is likely the tool you will need to consider.

Maximum support ankle braces are often not recommended for physical activity, as they can be incredibly restrictive.

However, you can use them for moderate to light activities to help prevent an existing injury from reoccurring.

In most cases, patients will use these to help their ankles heal properly.

Do Ankle Braces Treat Ankle Sprains?

Ankle braces are a large part of the treatment process when dealing with sprains.

However, there are other steps you should also consider to assist with returning to your original range of motion.

Physiotherapy or rehabilitation is something you will require to help bring your ankle back to its normal health.

With this treatment plan, you’ll work alongside a physiotherapist and perform various strength, range of motion, and balance techniques.

It’s also common for your rehabilitation plan to include endurance therapy to help your ankle return to its original condition.

You can begin recovering from your injury by combining exercises and safe stretches.

It’s important to note that although ankle braces are beneficial, they are not a complete cure-all.

It’s best to follow the specific instructions your healthcare practitioner provides for the most effective healing process.


Should I Wear an Ankle Brace All Day?

When deciding whether wearing an ankle brace all day is right for you, you should consider its purpose.

These braces are designed to give your ankle the support it needs to stay stable throughout the day, so they are helpful for all-day wear.

You can comfortably wear an ankle brace with or without shoes, depending on the model you’ve chosen.

It’s an essential tool for getting you back to work, helping you do groceries, and safely running errands as needed.

As mentioned, the purpose of the brace is to bear the load your tendons, ligaments, and muscles normally would.

Most people find they can do their daily activities easily, thanks to ankle braces.

Can I Wear an Ankle Brace at Night?

Deciding if you should wear an ankle brace at night depends on your treatment plan and injury.

Typically, your doctor or physiotherapist will recommend when it’s most effective to wear your brace.

You may also find they recommend one type of brace during the day and another at night.

That said, many patients find that wearing a brace at night isn’t necessary, as you won’t be putting pressure on your ankle.

That way, your ankle will have time to breathe and heal when lying flat in your bed.

However, wearing a brace could be a fantastic option if you move around a lot while sleeping.

Some lightweight braces add extra support without being too cumbersome in bed.

It’s also important to note that if your injury is quite severe, wearing a supportive brace 24/7 could be helpful.

How To Maintain an Ankle Brace

One of the most important facets of having an ankle brace is ensuring you care for it properly. Otherwise, it could lose its structural integrity, defeating its entire purpose.

The care instructions will differ depending on your brace type and its components.

For the sake of this guide, we’ll go over the top maintenance tips for the most common ankle brace types.

Fabric Ankle Braces

Fabric ankle braces are usually the most common because you can purchase them from big box stores.

These are often advertised as compression sleeves or lightweight braces.

Each product will have specific washing instructions depending on the materials used.

However, it’s generally accepted that washing the fabric brace in cold water on a gentle cycle is helpful.

You will also want to make sure you let it air-dry rather than put it in the dryer, which can cause wear and tear to the fabric.

Aside from washing, there aren’t many maintenance tips that fabric ankle braces require.

Hinged Ankle Braces

If you have a more heavy-duty ankle brace with hinges, you will need to clean it and ensure the hinges work properly.

It’s common for these ankle braces to squeak over time, which is where a silicone spray like WD-40 can help.

You’ll want to apply the product to all rivets and hinges, then wipe them with a dry cloth. Doing this will help keep the squeaking and rust at bay, giving you a full range of movement.

It’s also a good idea to keep the inside of the brace clean using a mild detergent and soft cloth. After cleaning, you can wipe it dry and begin wearing it again.

Will Wearing an Ankle Brace All Day Truly Help?

If you’re asking, “Should I wear an ankle brace all day?” it’s one of the best ways to promote healing and reduce repeat injuries.

With added stability and support, you can make most normal foot movements without worrying about injury.

Also, wearing one 24/7 allows your ankle to heal back to its original condition without you having to lie in bed all day long.

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